A Writer's Notebook, Day Nine-Hundred-And-Fifty-Seven
A few years ago I took a workshop with Gregory Pardlo who presented a number of ideas connected to the question of language's role in cognition. One particular question which I find myself fascinated with is about whether the experience of consciousness, the mind we inhabit as humans, is fundamentally linguistic. That is to say, is the "I" dependent on language. That may seem strange, but there is research to indicate this is the case. For me, this has many other layers and implications, since I recognize that dyslexia is connected to the processing of language. If language provides the underpinnings of self, what does a difference in the cognition of language itself mean about my experience of being a person? To me, this question is also one that connects with my attempt to create a computer that is proficient in poetry. While the initial aspects of such a challenge are rather superficial, I am thinking in a longer sense. The key issue in under...