A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-Three-Hundred-And-Seventy-One

I can think of a few books that play in the kind of space I described last night in reference to the idea I am currently playing with.  The primary example is Calvino's If on A Winter's Night A Traveler, which I think does offer a good model for some of what I am imagining.  Calvino is playing a slightly different game then the one I am interested in, though I find it difficult to express the nuances of those distinctions right now.  I have a clear sense of things, I think, and I do want to begin work on this.  The thing that has me hesitating a bit is really the timing, as I am quite involved with the launch for Blaze without Burning at the moment and I want to keep focusing energy on that.  At the same time, I know that a novel doesn't wait around.  I think the solution will be to begin work on it and perhaps reduce some of my poetry and other writing.  I am not certain, to be honest, if that is going to even be necessary once I get started.  I think much of this is just fear and it will all be fine if I just trust myself and get into it.


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