Poem: It is not about them or anybody else or you, even
It is not about them or anybody else or you, even
It is me, I guess,
and that is
all I can think
to say about it,
and that is
all I can think
to say about it,
which is
not an apology,
but it should be
and I want
it to be,
not an apology,
but it should be
and I want
it to be,
I just can't
get myself
get myself
to say more,
to tell enough
to tell enough
that it will mean
anything more.
Maybe I can get
to that place
one day, but not
right now.
to that place
one day, but not
right now.
For now,
I can only
be sorry
and hope
it means something.
be sorry
and hope
it means something.
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