A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-Three-Hundred-And-Thirty-Nine
There is a part of me that worries that writing my blog each day is a bit of a mistake, in that I tend not to really have a great deal to say, and often just rush to get something down, if I am honest. And all that is something I consider, but I also know that the real truth is this blog is more a thing I do for myself than anything else. I started this blog as a part of an effort to keep myself on track when I began keeping a daily writing practice, and having a public commitment to write kept me honest, despite the reality that no one was all that attentive to what I was doing here. The idea of it as public was enough, and that has always been a very large part of my reason for writing this blog each night. I do think that I might do better if I were to pick genuine topics to write about, rather than just writing anything that might come to mind, though I do wonder if there isn't value in both approaches.
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