A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-Three-Hundred-And-Twenty-One

I want to try and write something going through some ideas about stories and how I think about them working, essentially as a way for me to get a better handle on crafting narratives.  My intention is for this to be largely just a working document, and nothing all that well structured or carefully crafted, just a bunch of notes and concepts that help me to break open the concept of a story in a way that makes sense for me.  The biggest hurdle that I am finding, though, is that I am too practiced at writing for an audience and don't really have a knack for putting things down without considering it in that framework.  Much of my life has been focused on the craft of writing as a method of communication and a medium for artistic expression, and I am finding it hard not to begin approaching it as a piece of writing intended for an audience and not just as a method for working through ideas in the way I am hoping to.  Chances are that I just need to trust myself and write what comes to me and follow that to where it leads.


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