A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-And-One-Hundred-And-Seventy-Two

 I am starting to feel more confident just riffing in fiction.  In some ways it is just a matter of trusting myself.  Tonight, I really feel like I pulled something kind of interesting out from nowhere, just by starting to write.  I began, as I often do when I am not certain, with the idea of finding a reason that I wasn't able to write a story, and that becomes something on its own, generally.  Often, it can take a bit of time to figure out the actual idea, but it comes together from doing the work.  Tonight, it felt like the understanding of where I was headed emerged quite fast, and I felt like I also worked in a bunch of things that were in my head, at least in thematic terms.  It felt like there was some kind of shift, or it may just be that it went well tonight and tomorrow will be a different story entirely.  Even if that is true, though, I do feel like I got a decent story for my efforts, and that is something, certainly.


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