A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-And-One-Hundred-And-Twenty-Seven

I feel good about finishing up my work early tonight.  I'm feeling pretty tired, to be honest, and I have had a busy day, to be certain.  I also have to say that I am pretty happy with the story I wrote tonight.  It was something that I was just improvising and I wasn't really certain that it would actually work, but I feel like I managed to do something kind of interesting in it, though I find it hard to explain precisely what I mean right now.  The thing is, it was a very short piece, one that was premised on the idea that I was writing an excuse for not having written a story tonight, and it just started with me describing that I didn't know what had happened and why I hadn't written this story or what the story even was, and built from there, but there is a point when the narrator kind of goes into a sort of fantastical tangent, and it is clear and explicit that this is just imaginary, yet somehow it comes back around into the story by the end and is not being treated that way, if that makes sense.  I don't know if that explanation is really helpful, and I don't know if it describes it in a way that makes it sound interesting at all.  In truth, it could be a terrible story, to be honest, but I don't think it is, and that is better than how I feel many times after I write, so I will take it as a positive sign of some type, at least for tonight.


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