A Writer's Notebook, One-Thousand-Eight-Hundred-And-Sixty

I have moved away from writing the meta-fictional pieces for the moment.  While it was helpful for me, and I do think it provides an interesting approach, I think I was also getting a bit repetitive in terms of the kinds of stories that were resulting from it.  I still think it is an interesting and valuable tactic, but I felt the need to push myself in other directions for the moment.  I am still struggling, at times, to come up with story ideas, and it is easy for me to just write about my characters not wanting to cooperate, for example, or there being annoyed with me for not writing them a more interesting story, or some other variation on this general concept, and while that can be interesting and a bit different, I also realized that I was kind of getting stuck with writing stories built on the same sorts of idea again and again.


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