A Writer's Notebook, One-Thousand-Eight-Hundred-And-Fifty-Two

There is something that I am finding very satisfying about writing stories from my current meta-fictional approach.  In some way, I do think that I am doing something unusual with it, though that is a difficult thing to really be certain about.  The best I can say is that I feel that I am finding it fruitful.  As I said last night, it has helped me to feel a bit liberated from certain concerns about what to do next in a story, and I think, as well, that I am learning and developing the approach itself.  That is inevitable, I suppose, considering that I have been writing a new piece each day, and over the last week they have fallen almost exclusively into this mode.  In some ways, if I am honest, that does concern me.  I worry that this is a limiting approach and that I should not be writing only this type of story.  At the moment, though, I am not going to let myself worry too much about that, as I am still more interested in making certain that I can keep myself going.  It seems as if I can always find an idea for one of these meta-fictional flash pieces right now, even when I feel as if I really have no good idea for a story.  For that reason alone, I am not going to push myself to change things up right at the moment.


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