A Writer's Notebook, One-Thousand-Eight-Hundred-And-Forty-Three

The story that I wrote tonight went over the thousand word limit for flash fiction.  I am not all that surprised that it happened, really.  It was a more complicated story that I was trying to write, and I am sure that had an impact.  After I finished and I realized that it was not flash fiction, I did go back and write another piece that was shorter and fit the criteria, if only because I want to feel that I am keeping the promise I made to myself about writing a flash piece daily.  I suppose that I could have counted the other story and changed it to say that I was writing a piece of flash or other fiction, but I want to keep that focus on writing flash for the moment.  In fact, I am still thinking I might be able to edit the piece I wrote tonight down and get it under the 1000 word count. 


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