A Writer's Notebook, One-Thousand-Eight-Hundred-And-Thirty-Seven

 I think that I often have a tendency when writing flash to try and come up with a strong premise that can carry the whole piece.  This is a strategy that makes sense, though it can make it more difficult to think up an idea of what to write.  My bigger concern is that it often feels as if it leads towards somewhat gimmicky stuff, where the story is mainly driven by the revelation of some twist or secret in the situation.  Of course, in writing flash it is important to be able to keep things somewhat simple, I suppose, because of the limits of the format, though simple is, perhaps, the wrong word.  I need to trust that I can get more done in these pieces, I think, and I am certain that is something that will develop as I grow in my experience and confidence within the medium, but the fact of my awareness around this, is, I think, itself a positive sign.


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