A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Seven-Hundred-And-Sixty-Six
I am getting ready to do an interview for the podcast that I am developing. Its been a while since I interviewed anyone, but I have a good sense of what I am hoping to get from the conversation and it is with a person that I know well enough that I think I will be comfortable. The interview is with Lenny DellaRocca, who is one of the people behind the South Florida Poetry Journal (SoFloPoJo, as they call it), and, more recently, is the editor of a sort of sub-journal focused on a poetic form that he created. He is also, as you might guess, a poet as well, though I expect the interview to focus more on the editorial side of things. I have a clear sense of where I want this to aim, but I am still clarifying how to communicate that right at the moment. At the same time, I also know well enough to leave things a bit open, to allow for spontaneity and surprise to guide me in new directions if something comes up. I feel pretty well prepared, but I am sure that my producers are going to want some more explicit questions, so I am trying to work on it a bit still.
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