A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Seven-Hundred-And-Fifteen

I made a choice recently about capitalizing in the titles of my poems.  It used to be that I followed a fairly standard format, putting capital letters at the starts of all words in a title except prepositions, but I recently stopped.  I still capitalize the first letter of the first word, but beyond that I don't use any capitals except where they would normally be used, as in proper names and such.  I am not entirely certain this is a universal decision, but many poems I write have titles that are intended to be read as ordinary lines that lead in to the rest of the text.  As such, I think they should be presented in that way on the page, with the spacing as the distinction that this is the title.  I do write poems with more formal titles, though, even if not quite as often, and for those I can see value in the other approach.


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