A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Six-Hundred-And-Eighty-One
I have been busy catching up on work tonight. I still have a bunch to do, but I already went through and worked on magazine submission stuff, and recorded me reading a few new poems for my social media. I still have a few that I need to record, but the alarm downstairs started beeping a little bit ago and I need to go reset it before I can get the rest done. I may wait to do that in the morning, but I would have to get up quite early. Really, I could upload the ones that I have already and worry about the rest another time. I do have other work to get done as well, though, so even if I don't get back to that, I am still going to be a bit busy with the podcast. I think I am going to try and listen to it tonight, but maybe not take notes the first time through. I feel like that might be better for me. If I am concentrating on taking notes, I might focus more on that aspect then on actually listening to it as an experience, and I think that aspect is an important perspective for me in considering all the details. This is the first time I am really working in this particular medium, excluding the short poem reads that I do which don't have the same kind of production or involve the same kind of collaboration. Indeed, while those audio clips are edited by Meggie Demotrova, who is working as a producer and editor for the podcast as well, it generally does not require any back and forth between us. My point is, I am learning the process. As well, I am still not all that happy listening to my own voice, though I have been trying to work on that, if only by repeated exposure.
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