A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Six-Hundred-And-Twenty-Five

I have always thought about starting a podcast, but I am also a bit concerned about doing it, if I am honest.  In some ways, I worry about getting stuck on a path that isn't authentic or doesn't allow me to reach the goals I have, and I could imagine becoming a podcaster in a way that pushes me in the wrong direction.  That is why it is important to me that, if I am going to do this, I find a way to make it something that is really in line with my interests.  I think that this is partly helped by focusing on book publishing, and especially by making it a bit more directly about my own efforts and journey in that regard, but I also know that I need to make sure it reflects me in more than this.  What I would really like to be able to do is find a way to replicate certain aspects of my fiction, in particular certain meta elements and approaches that I am particularly fascinated by and drawn towards.  I am not certain just how that will work in the audio medium, or even how I intend to approach it, but I know that will come as all the rest of the pieces fall into place. 


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