A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Five-Hundred-And-Thirty-Two

I am feeling very frustrated tonight.  It is not all that unusual, really, but it is more acute at the moment than usual.  It is not clear to me why, honestly, as nothing happened in particular.  I just feel that sense of being stuck and not knowing what to do about it.  Maybe if I were feeling more on track with this new novel, but, as I said last night, I am still finding my way with it and am not even certain that I am writing the thing I had intended when I started.  Perhaps I should start work on some work that is more clearly fiction, not that I would stop working on this if I did that.  I would just put another iron in the fire, as it were.  I don't want to spread myself too thin with the writing, but I also know that I am not writing nearly as much as I have at times in the recent past.  It might be that I need to liberate myself in writing this piece to just let it be whatever it will become, but right now, I kind of still want it to be fiction because I am committed to the idea of having a fiction project going with the same consistency as my poetry and, more recently, non-fiction.  It is kind of silly, I know, and it shouldn't really matter that much.  I know many other writers who would call it madness having multiple projects going at once, but I am thinking it might be the thing I need to do right now.


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