A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Five-Hundred-And-Two
I am inching towards the conclusion of this short story. Each day, I am writing more of it and finding myself moving closer to the ending, but it is always a bit off at the moment. I always feel this is an exciting part of the writing process, and I think I tend to savor it a bit, allowing myself, when I can, to draw out the last of it so I can really enjoy wrapping it up. At the same time, there is always a point when the actual end comes and it can still feel a bit of a surprise and a rush when it hits. I think that is more about the letting go than anything, really. Maybe all of it is about that aspect of ending the draft, the requirement to leave behind the world of the story and the characters within it. As I move to that final sentence, I know that it feels somewhat exhilarating, even when it is only a short story, but I also recognize that their is a pang that comes from putting aside this particular piece and whatever special thing I have found in writing it.
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