A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Four-Hundred-And-Ninety

I spent most of the day at my mother's house working on dinner.  She helped, of course, and I worked hard to prepare and make a game plan that would ease the effort today.  Most of the side dishes were things that I was able to prep in advance so that they just had to finish this afternoon, and that made it a lot easier to focus on the few things that definitely needed to be done today.  It was one of the first times that I have really been able to get organized in this way, and I want to build on that so I can be a better cook in general.  I know that most of the challenges I have when cooking result from a lack of preparation and organization, but now that I know I was able to work it out quite well for this meal, I am confident that it is something I can continue to do better in the future.  


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