Poem: Required Reading

Required Reading

I realized long before, far earlier, that it would be necessary,
but I have been delaying.  I do not want to, would prefer 
if it was not required.  I know, yes, that it must be,
that I will have to.  If I don't, what good is the rest?
It would all become pointless, maybe worse, maybe
it would all turn out to be untrue, to be lies, or, at least,
in the spirit of lies, if I do not.  Even now, 
it seems so late to do that, but I can't change
what is not done yet to what has already been accomplished
without more time passing first.  I cannot make it so right now,
can only do it.  I do not want to, but I know, I understand the need.
It will not go well, I expect.  It is necessary, but my enjoyment is not.


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