Poem: Just Beginning

Just Beginning

It could be forever,
that time before starting,
the time wondering
what to do first,
what it will be
that is going to begin.
It would be simple
to sit and consider options,
to go close-eyed, meditating
on all those possibilities,
or just staring out at nothing
or at anything, at something.
Their can be a hesitation their,
and it can be easy to stay still,
to let it linger, to not choose,
to not go anywhere at all
but sit and wait
until something is clear,
something is certain.
Of course, nothing can be sure,
not in that way.  It is impossible
to know for certain.  It must begin,
or there is nothing.  What can be known
before it has started?  Still,
it is not easy to break through,
not always.  Certainly, not today.


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