Poem: It Is Only The Bad Choices That Remain

It Is Only The Bad Choices That Remain

It is wrong
that I am this way
and am hurting you
by not adapting,
not accepting.
I need to accept
and be better,
but it is no good,
the available choices
are no good at all.
To take them
is worse to me,
is not an answer,
but what is there left?
I don't want to be this way.
I want to change
but not if changing
is accepting that,
but I must,
and it will hurt me.
I will do it
and be lessened,
but I will.
It is all I can do.
I don't have any way
that is alright.
It is all bad choices.
At least this one
might be better,
might not harm you,
might make it better,
at least for you.


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