A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-And-Forty-One

Things are not going so great with Melissa's mother right now.  It is not all that clear, to be honest, just what is happening, but we are hearing that their are some signs of real decline at the moment.  Melissa is going to fly to Columbus on Sunday.  She might have left sooner, but my Mom's seventieth birthday is tomorrow and it also happens to be a major gala that she has been helping to organize, so she is considering that as her birthday party, in a way.  I am also not certain about the flight situation, as I know she told me she had a bit of trouble with booking at one point.  In any case, she is going to be up there, so we spent a whole bunch of time today doing various important errands that needed attending before she goes.  Some were specifically for her mother's affairs, and others were just important tasks, and there was a lot to be done, but it was a productive day.  Melissa has been, understandably, very upset, and, while it is not clear just what is happening, it is clear that things seem to be heading towards Anne's "transition" as the hospice team always calls her ultimate demise.  It may be that their is a bit more time, but I am worried.  When Melissa originally planned to go, it hadn't been this dire, and we had discussed whether I should stay or go, deciding that I should stay, mostly because of my own Father's Yahrzeit, which is coming up this week.  If I had known what I do now, I would have made a different choice, I am certain, but the plan, right now, is that I will probably go down as well somewhat soon, though we haven't decided exactly when.  I very much want to be there for Melissa, especially remembering the way in which she was with me through my father's death.


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