A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-One-Hundred-And-Six
I had been hoping that Melissa would be able to come home this week, but, once more, events have delayed her return. I want to go up to be with her, but I have a lot to deal with here at the moment and don't know when it will be possible. It is no good, being apart this way, as I have said before. As anyone who follows this blog knows, I haven't been sleeping, even beyond my usual difficulties in that arena, and I know that I have been less attentive to other aspects of self-care as well. I don't mean this to blame her, or to suggest she has a responsibility for these things, rather, it is an acknowledgement of the influence of her absence on my mental state. I need to try to do better, even when she is away, though it is quite hard when I am feeling her absence so.
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