A Writer's Notebook, Day Nine-Hundred-And-Eighty

I know I do not have the power to change things for the better right now.  I don't have that capacity.  Even in terms of my life, I feel stuck in a situation that is not improving, and which I don't feel any ability to escape.  This is true for me in regards to many areas right now.  Some of it has to do with family and personal matters, some is with my career.  I know that their are those who will tell me it is just that I am not doing this or that, or that I need to be more patient and wait, but I keep putting energy out, making an effort, and getting nowhere.  I need to find a way to actually get results that help me, and not just putting my energy in without any meaningful results.  I've tried for so long to base things on measuring the effort itself, and all that it has proven to me is that I've put in a lot of effort without anything coming back.  I can't continue on feeling powerless this way, but I don't think I have any choice.  I want to find new options, but I am not willing to change my goals.  If I have to change my goals, it is not going to be success in any sense that matters to me.


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