A Writer's Notebook, Day Nine-Hundred-And-Thirty-Four
Melissa and I spent the afternoon driving in a "voter-cade" to protest in favor of voter rights as part of the John Lewis Day of Action. It was a small event, but one that was connected to many others around the country, and it was wonderful to hear the support from people as we passed by, with many waving or honking in response to the line vehicles. In the past week or two, several states have been pushing to pass laws through their legislatures to limit voting rights, including here in Florida. The constitution was written to secure the rights of every citizen to vote and have power over those who run the government, but these laws are designed to protect the power of those who run the government from the citizenry by disenfranchising them from the vote. It is clear to anyone who cares or is paying attention, and I know that driving my car around for an hour is not likely to create much change, but I know that protest has played an important role in this nation, and that remembering that, as well as men and women like John Lewis who took part in those acts of defiance in the face of injustice matters to me. A protest is not a rational act, but rational actions rarely change entrenched systems.
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