A Writer's Notebook, Day Seven-Hundred-And-Thirteen

 I am still not writing at the same rate I had been, and I am not certain how I feel about that overall.  It is nice to have the feeling of producing at a greater rate, and I am glad to know I have the capacity for such prolific work, but it is also nice to step back a bit and take more time to consider what I am doing.  As well, their is still the feeling that it is a waste to create all this when I can't get anything published, though I know that is not a helpful perspective.  It is far better if I can think of it in terms of a body of work that I will have, no matter where I am in the publishing aspect of my career.  The work is there and waiting, and I believe it has value, though it is not yet recognized.  I also know I was driving myself insane by not doing the work in a more organized way.  I'm not great at managing time, and the end result becomes that I created process where I just have an amount of work and a deadline, but I need to change that so I am doing more work through the day.  It may be that I want to break up the work into more sessions, or otherwise reorganize my schedule so I do better, but I am not yet certain how to do that for myself.  This is one of those areas where my learning disabilities are an important consideration as well.  I am going to think about how best to get myself working earlier in the day again, for one thing, and am considering how I can motivate myself to do more work throughout the day, instead of allowing it to pile up for the end of day and taking care of it in one long session.  


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