A Writer's Notebook, Day Six-Hundred-And-Twenty-Five

I had more rejections arrive today. It is never easy, and it was upsetting today, as I am getting so many right now and do not have any positive responses.  I am not even getting any notes, just straight rejections, which is not surprising or a complaint, but I know that it is the lowest level of response amd that personalized rejections are meaningful.  My real frustration right now is feeling that the only thing I can do is to keep working and hoping this changes.  I want to have evidence that I am making progress, or know what I need to be doing to get there, to have some way of taking action that is not just doing the same thing over and over.  I feel stuck knowing that I cannot control whether I progeess from here, and that the only way to succeed is to continue putting myself through this.  To quit would destroy me.  I have so much work and believe that much of what I have already written has real value, to quit would be to call all of the time and effort I have put into that work and into becoming a writer capable of that work, a waste.  I need to move forward, but I have no way to control that, and I am not certain what to do or even who to ask for help.


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