A Writer's Notebook, Day Five-Hundred--And-Eighty-Seven

I have spoken many times, by now, of the challenges I have had writing during this pandemic.  On one hand, it is important to write in spite of these events, but it is also impossible to do anything genuine without confronting the reality that this is the world right now.  To ignore the pandemic would be to produce work that was not only irrelevant, but so detached from reality as  have no real meaning or value.  Of course, I can write about my current experiences, but that does not seem, in general, to produce work of real value.  For one thing, much of what I am writing is likely not beyond the thoughts and obsessions of any person today.  I do not know the value of such work, and it is also not really the work I want to be doing, if I am honest.

How do I, then, find a way to create genuine work that is based in the current reality but not overwhelmed by it?  It sounds very silly to say how do I make this into art, but that is essentially it, I think.  For me, the more specific question has been: what kinds of myths are relevant to this world?  I mean, of course, the myths that exist already, but even more, the ones that need to be given form.


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