A Writer's Notebook, Day Three-Hundred-And-Ninety-Three

I am finally back in a better writing environment, and that has moved me back, fairly quickly, to wanting to push myself more.  I'm not yet ready to really go for it, and I am still not entirely set up in my new office, but I do want to begin pushing myself again.  In part, this will be about thinking through some of the questions I had begun considering before I went through this upheaval, questions that are largely about understanding the work I am doing, developing an explicit knowledge of techniques I've used instinctively, for example, as well as gaining a stronger ability to explain some of the thought processes that go into the work.  In addition, of course, I want to push further, to create poems that are doing things I may not even have thought of yet.  I am interested, still, in integrating some of my new thoughts with older tactics, and I also am really wanting to do a wider variety of poems, including not only types I've explored before, but new ones as well.

The point is, I feel renewed, and I am ready to go.  I still have a few things to get in place, but I am working, and I feel very strongly that I am prepared to take the next steps, whatever they may be.  I'm certain that one step I'll be taking soon is increasing my output to six poems a day.  It seems like a silly thing, but for whatever reason, I do find that increasing the output changes my thinking and challenges me in unexpected ways.  The change to routine it provokes is a good kick in the pants, and I need that right about now, to get me from thinking about all this into action.


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