A Writer's Notebook, Day Three-Hundred-And-Twenty-Two

It has been difficult writing today.  I am not going to mince about with that, but I will say that I got my work done.  Some of it might even have been good, though I cannot really tell at the moment.  In general, it usual doesn't take me that long to get myself going when I sit down to right, most days, but today, both this morning and this evening, were slow.  Once I began, found my rhythm, it became easy to keep working, but it was a difficult start.

These are the days when it is most helpful to not judge the work as I am writing, and to allow myself to do whatever kind of work comes to me.  It may well be that I wind up writing about not being able to write, because that is what will come out, but I must realize that those poems can have value, and that they are also a tool for getting into the right creative mode.  Indeed, I was able to write the second poem, in each case, far more easily, because I began it almost directly after the first.

On some level, I am sure that I am holding something back, or maybe just processing and preparing for something new.  It is not clear, but I am sure that their is work inside me that wants to come out, but which is, for whatever reason stalled.  It is not even clear to me exactly what that work is, but I am getting flashes of something, at times.  Nothing that I can put together yet, but I know it will become clear.

In the meantime, I am a bit slow and feeling kind of stuck, as I have been saying.  However, this is the first that I began to be able to see that I am having this issue because I am not yet comfortable with some new direction in my work.  I am sure that will work itself out soon, especially now that I am becoming clear on the issue.  It seems obvious that things are changing, even if today was not the best day for my creative energy.


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