A Writer's Notebook, Day Three-Hundred-And-Twenty-Nine

In can be difficult to know what to write here on a night like this.  For some time now, I've been writing about my current creative state, about the feeling I have at present of a sort of down turn in my inspiration, attempting to understand that sense in the light of my continuing to produce a large amount of work, much of which is still quite good.  That has been the focus of my blog for quite a bit of late.  It has been the main, perhaps the only, subject for some time, and I have been waiting for a change to occur, monitoring conditions until it does.

However, the change I am seeking is not something that seems forthcoming.  It is only natural, of course, that I am currently wondering what it might be that I can do to propel myself into a different mental state.  Now, this is not to say that I am expecting to change my current creative output, but, as I have suggested previously, that I want to alter my attitude in ways that value a broader spectrum of working processes and their output.

That is to say, I am aware that the issue is one inside my own mind at present.  I think, in part, the key might be to alter something within my routine.  I have done this previously with the addition of another poem, and that may be one route, but I suspect it might be time to do something else.  I think it may be that I need to engage myself in other kinds of creative work, perhaps, even if some of that work is still linguistic in nature.

I am not sure exactly of what to do in terms of fiction at the moment.  While I've had ideas for stories or even novels, I am not sure that I feel compelled in that direction at the moment, and I am not certain that forcing myself to start work on a novel wouldn't disrupt the work I am already doing.  I think if I do fiction, it will be shorter pieces, and I'll have to think about it. 

In all honesty, I am not at all sure what to do.  It may be that I should engage in some other form of art for a bit, as a way to play and reconnect with that aspect of imagination.  I do have other artistic interests, so it wouldn't be too difficult, it is just deciding what I want to do.  In the end, I think the real key is just going to be letting myself have some sort of creative exploration and play, even if that winds up being something I do in language, even poetry.  A part of me is thinking the key might even be to do something a bit silly, poetically, something that is just linguistic fun for no reason other than to play with the words.  I may try that tomorrow.  For tonight though, I am going to just think on it and get to bed.


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