A Writer's Notebook, Day Three-Hundred-And-Five

Another four new poems, today, and I feel quite happy about them.  I am finding that the poems tend to be aiming in certain personal directions, and also meditating on larger topics, and I would like to go back to some of the other types of work I've been doing.  For example, I have not written an animal poem in a bit, particularly not one of the sort of fables that I tend to enjoy writing.  By a bit, of course, I only mean a week or so, I should remember, but that feels like a long while, when I am doing so much writing.

I think that I am approaching that point when I will begin to feel a bit more pressure internally, before the next sort of burst of inspiration.  At such times, I have, in the past, managed to keep up by doing a lot more of the kind of exercise work that I discuss, where I allow myself to indulge in writing freely about my experience not being able to write at that moment.  Usually, doing that once is enough to spark me into action doing something more productive, and I don't think those pieces are without value, either, despite how it might seem from my discussion here.  Really, I think that many of them may be works I want to look at again, but for this moment, I think it is better to sort of let them be a kind of release valve, and the perspective I have right now allows that to be the case.

Anyhow, I am going to call this short, again, as I am still, I think, processing a lot of things from my work this week.  There are a few ideas percolating, both in terms of specific poems I want to write and in a larger sense about the work in general, and I think it might be good for me to let those ideas sit for the rest of the evening.


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