A Writer's Notebook, Day Three-Hundred-And-One

I think I am going to keep this short today, but I did get my four poems out.  One was a bit of an experiment in found poetry, and I am not sure it is much more than that, but it felt like a fruitful area to explore, and I think there are certain elements of that work which are quite compelling and interesting.  It may be that I need to take some of the rules I followed are bit too strict right now, as the goal was to use another poem by someone else and transform it by shifting only the punctuation, not changing word order at all, but in a way that is an attempt at something cohesive.  It is a bit too much like plagiarism to some, but the goal is completely different from that, and I am not necessarily thinking this is publishable work, but I do think it is a way to explore subtle aspects of language that must be understood in deep and intuitive ways.

I feel pretty happy with the three other poems that I composed.  The two this morning were interesting.  The first one avoided certain traps by becoming a strange sort of meditation, and the other is a sort of personal poem.  I think that last may not work so well, but it is a version of something I want to get right, and each time I take a stab is probably a little closer.  It can be like that much of the time.  The first poem this evening is one that I also feel quite good about, and it also began as an impulse to write about writing, but avoided that in the end.  It became more about the need to take action, in a way.  I am not certain how effective a piece it is at the moment, but I think it has potential, and even more, I think the way of thinking it represents is quite useful for me as a writer moving forwards in my work.  In all, I am quite happy with the work I did today.  It feels great to be producing work at this pace.  I certainly feel that each day I am doing something important, not just wasting my time, as I often felt in the past, when I really wasn't doing this work, though I really should focus on being more appreciative of that in the rest of my day.


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