A Writer's Notebook, Day Two-Hundred-And-Seventy-Four

In many ways, my day was rather terrible.  I don't really want to get into a lot of it, but I was rather upset by some of the things that happened.  Honestly, I felt that I had been misled and the revelation of that was done in  a way that seemed quite hurtful.  The entire situation that I am dealing with is rather emotional, and it is something that is important to me.  I am not sure what to do about a lot of it at the moment, and I feel somewhat out of sorts, as you might sense from reading this.

However, I also wound up doing a lot of work tonight.  This morning, I started out with a piece that was really just a dashed off exercise that I did mainly to make certain I got some work done.  But then, tonight, I wound up writing four more pieces, two of which I am quite happy about. The others, while not necessarily great in a general, were really good for me to do, as they were expressing some older thoughts that I think I needed to explore.  While the output doesn't happen to be anything I think I want to pursue right now, for a lot of different reasons, the writing of those pieces was itself of value.

I feel very much that my output today was set in motion by my willingness to not get overly stressed yesterday, along with the dedication to making sure I write daily.  In having the practice, I was ready for the ideas when they struck, and was in a state where I knew I was going to write, no matter what, but still didn't have a lot of stress to say I needed an idea.  I certainly wanted one, and I did feel, at a certain point in the evening, that I was closing in on some ideas for new pieces.  I had a certain sense that something was percolating, and I spent some of that time watching informational and educational video content online, to sort throw some new ideas into my head.  At some point, I actually had a sense of a sort of theme or aspect that one poem would follow, but that poem actually was the last one I wrote, and it was rather random.  The first line just sort of occurred to me and I followed where it led me.  Other pieces came up in a similar way tonight, but all started with something that wanted to come out, and it was following that which led to me creating these pieces, each of which I am proud of in one way or another.


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