A Writer's Notebook, Day Two-Hundred-And-Twenty-Five

It is funny that I feel like a bit of a slacker having only written three poems today, when that would have been a triumph many day's before.  I think it is probably good that I can build that type of mentality, and that I am also becoming more and more capable of just making myself sit down to do the work.  I need to be able to switch modes more easily, but that is a different issue, though it is likely why I am not as successful right now in working on a new novel, despite having a good idea which I like.  I am in a different place in my creativity, and it can be a challenge shifting.  Writing a play I can approach as writing poetry, in a way, and that has given me access to that medium within this same creative move.  Prose of the sort a novel requires is quite a different thing, at least for me.

There is a value in having that feeling that I should be doing more work, in that it does keep inspiration up, but I want to also have an acknowledgement that I am doing a lot more work than in a very long time, and I really do feel that I am getting back to a place in my creativity that has been absent a long time.  I am hopeful that tomorrow will be another day of creative productivity, with hopes that I may get some more work done on a number of these projects.


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