A Writer's Notebook, Day Two-Hundred-And-Twenty-Three

So, I decided, looking at the calendar and considering it, that I would not begin the novel today.  That wasn't a purely capricious and self-indulgent decision, but came because I wanted the beginning to line up with the first of the month, and the fact that it is also a Monday, the start of a work week, well, that just seemed like a bit of serendipity.

At the same time, it is not as though I didn't do my work today.  I've written several new poems (I think it is four, but I am losing track, to be honest), and also started work on a play.  I've written several scenes, and have a general idea of the whole thing.  I am not certain it is all coming together at the moment, but it's a draft, and I think I have a lot of potential support for that work, as well.  As mentioned, I am waiting to get some information on a playwrights group, so I feel good getting some work started on a piece to bring for that, potentially.

I feel that I am starting to really fire on all cylinders and to have myself in a place where I am doing the work I want to be doing, for the most part.  I'll have to see how writing the novel works, honestly, as I am not yet certain about writing both a novel and a play, but if I have the energy for both, that is a great thing, really.  I am going to keep up with the poetry, of course, and it seems to be jumping me back into gear for other things.  Maybe pushing out a novel and play at the same time is a terrible idea, but it could also be really great for me.  Bouncing between projects might just provide the kind of energy I need to really keep myself going in the long term, and the secret might be in making the work I am doing of so many different varieties.  The writing of a play is so different than the work in a novel, and the poetry provides something else as well.  I do believe that creative energy has an exponential factor, and I am going to see just what the ingredients I need to do my optimum work as a writer.


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