A Writer's Notebook, Day Two-Hundred-And-Twenty-Two

It has been quite a productive day for my writing, with two poems this morning, and another two tonight, although one of those is a fragment and I think will probably be used with some other things I am working on around the same topic.  I've got a few sort of big groups of poems in my head right now, and some are coming more complete than others.

As well, I also began going through some older papers, and I found a lot of poetry that I had from earlier in my life.  Some of it, I am sure, is still worth salvaging, and I think I may send some of it out.  I wouldn't send them alone, I don't think, but as part of a packet with newer work.  It is a way to help fill out what I am able to send out, and I do think that some of that work is probably worth preserving. 

I am really glad to find that I am being more and more productive as I push myself in terms of the poetry.  I think I am turning a sort of corner, though I don't want to become too overly invested in this level of output.  I want to keep making progress as a writer, and as a poet, in terms of producing more work on a regular basis, but I also know that I have to respect the fact that the amount of work I may be capable of is not necessarily going to be constant all the time.  Still, I feel that creating certain habits is something that I can do in order to keep myself at a certain level.  What is more, I need to be able to recognize that I am a professional, and that requires a degree of work beyond what may always be what I want to do in some sense.  It is significant for me to choose to do the work, and it is an important thing to be able to build that habit.

I also had an invitation to join a local playwrights group, which I am quite excited about.   I think it may be something that will help me get that part of my work going again.  I really feel quite good about things, in general, and I am also wondering about starting that novel tomorrow.  On one hand, I really feel a bit daunted by it, but that is part of any such endeavor.  I am not going to make a full promise at this second, but I feel that I should do it, and I will have to see what happens in terms of my own thinking in the morning.  It may be that I pull out my novel in thirty days book and get to it again in that way, or it might be that I do it differently, or I may wait.  In any case, I am planning to keep up the work tomorrow, writing at least one poem in the morning and one in the evening.


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