A Writer's notebook, Day One-Hundred-Forty-Two

I finished the most recent edit on the script for my short play.  It was not as severe a cut as the last few rounds, but I will need to do more, I think.  At present, it is a little under 2500 words, and that seems potentially like it is going to still be long for the desired length of the piece.  It is honestly rather difficult to assess, as the length is in time and not in terms of words or pages.  I think it is still a very wordy piece for that length, but it may well still work.  Matt suggested that might be the case, to an extent, in discussing it with me, in relationship to some of the choices made in performance.

In general, I feel quite good about it as a piece, but I know that it won't be eligible for submission to many places if it doesn't get down to a ten minute length, which it may still be over.  I am going to read it again into the camera at some point, both so I can hear how it plays and so I can check the timing.  Of course, my performance skills are not those of a trained professional, but I can at least get the length of it from my own reading speed.  I won't rush it, of course, and my reading speed out loud should be a decent way to check.

I want to write more plays, especially having had a bit of an experience in the theatrical community, and feeling, as well, that I might have a bit of an opportunity if I do write something good.  I've a number of ideas in my head, actually, but none of them have quite taken off for me at this point.  I am sure that I'll get some more specific thoughts soon, and I may go and find some exercises for playwrights to help me get going.  I feel that I have a sense of it, albeit immature at this point, and I know my ability to write, in general, will serve me in creating work for the stage.

Of course, that will have to be set aside for a bit, at least, as I have to concentrate tomorrow on getting my poetry together for the workshop.  I plan to try to write at least a couple of pieces tomorrow, and will probably go and find a few prompts or exercises to get me started.  I know that I can do it once I get going, I just need to prime that pump and get things started.  It is a different gear than writing prose, but it is always there, and I can connect with it again if I give myself the opportunity and a bit of a kick to get started.

As well, I need to do more research in preparation for querying with W/R, which is still a priority.  I feel that this is a really good time for me to be getting my work out there, and having the play in the festival seems a really great sign.  The play American Son, which is being produced on Broadway with Kerry Washington, actually had a reading at Theatre Lab's first New Play Festival in 2015, and they have hosted some very well known playwrights as well, making it a great credit. 

It feels as if this year is starting out really great, and I am excited to have the energy carry forwards.  The festival was an incredibly enriching experience, and it was amazing to be a part of it.  I am still riding on that high right now, obviously, but it also brought me a real sense of optimism about this year, and I have to believe that attitude will serve me well in my coming pursuits.


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