A Writer's notebook, Day One-Hundred-Thirty-Nine

It has been a long week, and an even longer process in total, but tomorrow is the day, and I am, honestly, nervous, and excited.  I trust in the work, generally, but I have been up until all hours doing edits the last few nights, and I have to wonder a bit at my proficiency at a certain point.  It is, though, just a reading, not a full performance, and I am going to keep working on the piece to refine it further after the reading tomorrow.  This is a beginning step, and it will take more work to give this play a life of its own.

However, tomorrow will be a triumph, I am sure.  I have absolute faith in the actor and his connection to the work.  It is clear that he found it, from the start, to be worthwhile, and I am glad that I am giving him a script that is a bit more manageable.  I hope that the newest draft will provide him opportunity to perform it at a reasonable speed, without the need to limit his performance for pace.  My goal has been to get a script in place that would facilitate his success with the piece, and that was mostly a matter of getting the script to a reasonable length, which I hope to have done.  

It seems to me that it will be well inside the desired time, and I am very much excited to see how the audience responds to the play, as well as to the other short pieces that are in the showcase.  Having watched them develop, it is fascinating to see what happens in the hands of capable actors, and I am sure that it is going to be even more interesting seeing it after they have become more familiar with the pieces and are on stage before an audience.  I know from my own, very limited, experiences acting that the energy changes incredibly when the audience is there, and I am sure it will bring new life and depth to the works in ways that are incredible to see.

At this point, I am running on fumes.  I was awake all night for two nights in a row, and didn't really make up for it in any way today, so  I am ready to just crash.  I am shocked, to be honest, that I did as well writing this as I have, even getting this much written that is coherent feels a feat.  It does, however, reassure me that I have a sensibility that remains, and which likely guided my efforts even at the most exhausted moments last night.  But, even so, I must get to bed now, as I want to be bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning, to use a rather silly phrase I associate with my Dad, somehow.  Anyways, good night.  Tomorrow is an exciting day, and I am glad to get to bed so it might, at least seemingly, come sooner.


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