A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Hundred-And-Sixty-Three

I seem to be continuing my work, and feel rather excited.  I've begun some of the inquiries to query, and the start of that process is a bit nerve-racking.  I have had a question already and am attempting to get some information about one agents requirements, and am waiting on that at the moment.  It is a process, and I am at the very start of it, but I have a very good feeling, and I trust that things will go well.

I think that I may well attempt to put the synopsis together in the morning.  It will take a bit of time, but it may be necessary and gives me a chance to take a quick look back through things, one last time before I start this whole process.  In addition, there is an event next week at FAU with an agent who is visiting the MFA students, and I am considering sending a query letter to her in advance of that, and she does request a synopsis.  It is not something I am really excited to do, honestly, but I am going to try and approach it with a good attitude.

I've been working hard on the poetry as well, which I am finding a rewarding pursuit.  I have much more work to do on what I have already written, and many other ideas that are now swirling about.  Something has certain come back to life, and I am very glad for it.  I realize that their was a time before when I felt this way, but it has been so long that I had forgotten entirely how easily a poem can spark.  The hard work comes in making it actually work, and in taking on more and more challenging ideas.

In the direction of challenging ideas, I am beginning to work on some thoughts for poems about dyslexia that are beginning to percolate.  I don't yet know what is coming, but I have small glimpses of ideas that are to do with textual games of certain sorts, and ways of warping and deforming language, as well as attempting to make multiple meanings at once, in a way that I hadn't considered previously.  It is a complex idea and needs to percolate, but I am working on some of the things for it, and making some fledgling steps in certain direction.

Tomorrow, I want to send out a few emails that I've been waiting on, as well as follow up on some other stuff.  It has been amazing getting myself back to this place, and I am very grateful about it.  I really do feel that I am gaining back a part of myself that had been pushed down, and now it is coming back to me.  I have not written so much poetry in an incredibly long time.  I don't even think I was so productive in graduate school.  It may well be that I was ready, and that is why this is happening, but I really am so glad that I had the experience I did this year and the results of it.


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