A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Hundred-And-Sixty-Two

Today has been another rather busy day, and quite a positive one for the most part.  I had a very positive and productive meeting with Andrea Somberg, the agent that I've been speaking with, and she was very positive about the query letter, and even granted me permission to mention her suggestion to those she named.  I think I am well on my way in that capacity, and I feel very fortunate for all the help I have received in that regard.  Being a writer can, at times, be a very isolated existence, artistically, and it is very uplifting to find warmth and encouragement from others within the professional world of literature. 

I also have continued my work on poetry, writing on a few pieces.  One is new entirely, and I think is going to be quite good, though I need to work on it.  I have other pieces that I wrote this week which I need to get to revising, as well.  I really need to find someone to trade poems with or something.  I've been on the hunt for some time, but it is not easy to find someone with a similar sensibility who you can trust.  Even so, I feel that I am doing really good work overall and that the level of what I am writing is improving.  I have some really interesting ideas that are coming together at the moment, and I am trying to put them together in ways that will, I hope, let me communicate things I've not been able to express previously.

I've also been working on that craft essay, though a strange thing happened which will necessitate a bit of work.  It seems that their are two versions of the poem, slightly different.  I looked at a version online on the website of The Poetry Foundation which was a photostat from a different text than I have.  It is not unusual, as it is likely they are presenting the version from their magazine.  That is not too odd, but I noticed something small that was different, and got my book out, and the poem is somewhat altered.  So, I am going to need to revise certain portions and change the text that I am referencing.  I am debating, honestly, relating some of this in the essay and looking at the two versions side by side, as the one on the website, after looking more closely, is from four years earlier, and the changes are rather interesting.

Anyhow, I had intended to get on here earlier, but it has been a busy day.  I have a lot that I want to talk about, though, and I should get myself into the habit of discussing these ideas here if no place else.  I need to get myself to bed early tonight, but I should have time to do more work tomorrow, and think I know what I want to start with tomorrow.


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