A Writer's notebook, Day One-Hundred-Thirty-Three

Today was not a particularly productive day for my writing, though I did get a lot of thinking done in terms of certain ideas relating to the story concept that I have been exploring.  For one thing, I have come to understand certain aspects of it as a whole, and have begun to see how it can be told.  The issue is that much of the story is about layers of belief that need to unfold and reveal deeper, previously hidden, truths, and that in order to construct this, I need an understanding of the world in the story that is beneath and beyond what is to be revealed.  As well, I need to be able to put those layers on and see how they can be removed.

The goal is really to create something that has a certain structure that will resonate with the thematic concepts, to create a certain kind of experience for the reader.  In this case, my goal is largely to construct a set of beliefs that are strange and unreal, but somehow compelling and with a ring to them that feels true.  Then, those beliefs are revealed to be based on an incorrect understanding of a deeper truth, which itself is then shown to be false as well.

The general story in which this occurs is still formulating for me, but I am certain it will be a choral voice that can move in and out of the minds of individual characters, but also seems to have some form of mind itself.  Indeed, that mind is a main character in the story, in some ways, though how that will work and be revealed is not yet apparent to me.

I actually do have a far stronger idea of what this story is, but I think attempting to explain it in a way that is more concrete and detailed is premature.  I am aware of the larger story, the world story, as it were, which is central to this tale, but I don't yet have the smaller levels of story.  I don't know the characters and the smaller details of plot as well.  In this case, it is the larger world, the elements that might be considered expository, are central here, and need to be considered first.

Many of those elements are things that will connect to myths from various cultures, and I have a frame for how that works in a larger sense, but am not yet certain of the specifics.  It is the smaller story aspects, those which are scaled to the individual characters, which are complicated for me to figure out right now.

What also makes it hard to describe is that it has many different elements that might make it seem convoluted, and draw from various genres.  It has a science fictional aspect that involves aliens and space travel, but which I don't think will be apparent right off, and some things connected to it will likely seem more fantastical than scientific, at least for a long portion of the book.  In general, it is a complicated idea, and one that I am not certain I am ready for, but that is partly what makes me feel like it is worth pursuing.

In essence, though I understand and know how to do this work, it is somewhat daunting in terms of the scale and the way it is applying the ideas.  As well, it would require a very technical approach to at least some of the writing, and there  are numerous challenges that connect with that.  It is ambitious in a way that may be too far, but i don't want to feel I quit the idea because it was difficult.  I am going to give myself the chance to consider it more and see how it shapes up.


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