A Writer's Notebook, Day Ninety-Eight

I've had another sub-optimal writing day, but am feeling alright with that, to be honest.  It is going to be a bit of a slog to finish up, but it is definitely not an unrealistic goal.  I just have to actually spend the time on it, and now I am at the point where I am feeling the pressure to do just that.  In some ways, that pressure is quite a good thing, and useful, even if it is a bit of a pain at the time.

Really, this is about motivation, and about getting myself back into a focused state.  The past several days have been very much focused upon non-writing parts of my life, which is probably a good thing in general, but I am feeling rather upset about a number of personal things that I won't go into here.  Suffice it to say that these issues are certainly distracting from my attempt to focus on the work itself.

As well, I still have a lot of fears around my work.  For one thing, while I've had a modicum of positive news of late, I am still waiting on some more significant news that I expects is coming soon, and do not think will be in my favor.  I do hope to learn from it, and hope to be able to handle it well, but waiting to find out can be even more frustrating.

In part, as I am waiting, what happens in my mind is playing out the reactions that a person might have to my work, and I am setting myself up for the worst outcome because I want to be ready.  So, some part of my mind is imagining that I have horribly embarrassed myself.  I don't think that will be real, but I do have that in my head.  Perhaps, if my work were more straightforwards, I might have more sense that the amount of labor comes across.  Still, I am very nervous and that does not help the creative process right now.

However, the ironic truth is that the answer to all of that is to do the work.  Feeling a lack of creative energy as a result of these things is not enough that it should stop me.  I have to keep in mind that I am able to do the work, and that doing the work is what matters.  It is not a matter only of the work, of course, but the work is what I am in control of.

I do see that my current project is a strange one, and I am not certain how much sense it will make to others.  For me it is an important piece, I think, and I am gaining more understanding of the technical challenges it presents.  I feel it is definitely making me a better writer, which is more important than anything else it can do.  It may not be a great book itself, though I can't judge that, but it is certain to me that I will be far more equipped to work on the next story as a result.

Now, the current issues in the story are ones that come from it taking a bit of a new shape at the moment in certain ways, and I am not sure if that is something that will really be a problem.  It is a shift, but that does not make it wrong.  The audience may see it very differently than I do, and the book is something that comes together from more than my conscious intent.  I don't really know that these ideas and the new elements are not things which will make the book work even more for a reader, and that they won't see the book leading towards this from the start.

I also am getting to a particular moment in the story, and that moment is a very central pivot in the book, and I am not certain how to handle it entirely right now.  I think it is going to be easier once I get there, as I trust the process, but getting there is hard and I need to do that.  I also am not as certain where the book will go after that, except in a general sense.  I think it is going to happen fairly soon and I think, when it does, that will create changes in the story I am not even aware of yet.  So, I am just writing and letting it happen, and when it does, well, I have to see what that means and what the result is.

The end result, though, is that I am keeping myself on task.  I have to do more work tomorrow, and I am hoping to get it done early and to offer an update on the blog about that.  It is a good way to keep honest, for me, and I am glad to have that as a way of committing to the work.  So, I am going to sign off for now, but hopefully will be back early tomorrow with news of my progress afters some dedicated writing time.


  1. You can do this! You're so close to the finish line that you can do this in a few days! I see the finish line ahead of you. Keep on Rowing! Pull! Pull!

    Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily....

  2. Wanted to thank you for the encouragement, but I had been short on time. It really helped to push me on though, and I appreciate it.


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