A Writer's Notebook, Day Eighty-Seven

It has not been an overly productive day, but I do feel good about the work that I accomplished.  It feels a bit lighter, in some sense, than yesterday's passages, but was somehow harder to get through in a way that would really work.  The character is now in a deeper level of action with the world, and their are many little things to be considered in what is unfolding.  It is not merely the interiority that was being reflected before, but now a degree of action that seems to be creating opportunities to show things to the character.

All of this is still minor in terms of the events that occur, because it is still not about those events, really, but about the character becoming connected to the world again, in a sense.  It is the journey this character is taking, and he is seeing the world around him, and now has stepped beyond merely observing to sort of enter back into it.  I think that I have a good sense of certain drama that might occur at some point.  It will be a bit more dramatic than what has occurred so far in the story, but it will still be in balance with the rest of the story.

I could actually keep working at this point.  I had wanted to get to 20,000 words today, but that is not going to happen.  My intent had actually been to do work this morning, but I was needed to help out some family, and wound up losing much of the day to that.  When I returned home, I actually couldn't work because the housekeeper was here, and I find that I can't work all that well without a bit more quiet than that.  So, I wound up working later for an hour and writing only around 12,000 words.  As mentioned,  I feel that the work is solid and have a strong sense of what I wish to do as I continue on.

However, as much as I would like to get some more work done right at this moment, I also just picked up Melissa from the airport and I want to see her.  So, I am going to call it a night early and use this as impetus to do even more work tomorrow.  I've had a good week of work, really, if I look at the amount I've done so far, and I am well within the realm where I can easily finish on time, if I make my efforts more consistent.

I see the irony of using that as a statement when I am taking another early night (though I have had a few more prolific days of late, as well), especially when I am close to the point of being caught up.  But I also have not seen my fiance' in almost a week and  I did the time that I should have.  The output will come, and I am going to get myself where I need to be.  Indeed, on some level, being behind the eight ball is likely just what I will need to kick myself into gear in the morning.

So, I am going to cut out a bit early, and keep this short.  The work is coming, even if I am not yet where I want to be with it, both in terms of the length and in terms of my understanding of the book, but I feel that I am right where I need to be in order to write the book that I intend to be creating right now.


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