A Writer's Notebook. Day Eighteen

The story is continuing to unfold, perhaps more slowly than I had expected, but in a  way that keeps me optimistic.  I feel a strong connection to the work at this point, or perhaps it is more that  I am enjoying the way the story is unfolding.  It does not always go quite smoothly at certain moments, but I am finding that the answers come.  A lot of the time, it seems to be something that comes best when I am lying in bed or not working.  It is working behind the scenes, and will come out.  That is how this story is going, and I am accepting of that, because I know that the most significant thing at this moment is to keep writing.

I also think that I might play with some of the ideas I was tossing about in my writing exercise entry.  I took that exercise rather seriously, and want to point out that I started early in the morning, but had some appointments and responsibilities that prevented me from finishing.  I hadn't expected to take quite so long.  The story that I described itself is not quite right, but I have had an idea connected to a certain location in New York City that has undergone numerous transformations and incarnations for which this structure is rather perfect.  The concept of such a place being haunted by it's own past and future is one that interests me, and the idea of weaving the stories into each other in these ways makes a lot of sense to me.  I like the idea, certainly, that events from different times are somehow leaking across throughout the book, and that these events are also influencing the real world, and perhaps causing changes that interconnect through the stories.  In some sense, the idea is to write about the place as if it is all happening at once, as if that is the experience of the place itself, outside of time, and to somehow do this in a way that also incorporates the idea that this disjointed time is part of the place itself.  The idea is worth thinking through.  I don't know when that will be, honestly, but marking it out here in some degree helps me to think about what I would like to do.

In all honesty, though, I have numerous ideas that I think are worth considering for a longer project.  One I have been considering recently has to do with the simulation hypothesis, and with ideas about creating moral or safe AI.  Their are some weird thoughts I have connected to all of that, and some if it would require a bit more research to get right. 

I also have an idea for this kind of epic magical saga, but with a very different kind of  angle  that takes it in a sort of science fictional direction.  It is hard to explain, but the basic idea would involve creating a concept for magic based in quantum physics and taking that in a hard science fiction direction.  That would be rather difficult, and it wouldn't be enough on it's own, but I also had some fairly interesting ideas about why magic is not a part of normal life on the planet.   The whole thing, also, is grounded in a sort of family saga about loss of cultural identity and disconnection between parents and children. 

That is an overview of just a few of my more recent ideas.  I am actually glad to write them here, as I don't want to lose them, but I know I must focus on the current story.  That is my task at present.  Tomorrow, I plan to start my work again in the morning with Wonderbook, and to continue with the story.  I am excited about the scene that I am writing, and I think it is going to be a pivotal moment in the story.  It should also be a lot of fun to write.


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