
A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-Three-Hundred-And-Seventy-Four

It is something of an exciting night, as two different articles have come out covering the publication of Blaze without Burning .  First, there is a review from Vocal media/Beat: .  The article is very flattering about the book and have to say that I am quite grateful to Matt Adams for taking the time to write about my little book of poetry, especially in such glowing terms.  The other article is an interview from Vents Magazine:   I was very glad to have the opportunity to share some of my thoughts and experiences around the book.  It feels like things are starting to really get cooking around the launch and I am starting to feel the excitement kicking up.

Poem: She said it was something with her hip

She said it was something with her hip We both agree about that, but he thinks  it was at home and I think it was before she left the dinner tonight, after we had departed. I think that  is what she said, but he  argued with me and now I am not certain, though I remember what she said and it seemed clear. I am uncertain of myself. I am too easy to believe  other people's interpretations of what I know, maybe, or I misunderstood, or it is something else that I am not certain of, some other thing, a different possibility, but I doubt it is any better anyhow.  Really, I should be worried about her hip and not about which of us understood her story best.

A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-Three-Hundred-And-Seventy-Three

I still have yet to start writing on this new project, and that is not great.  I should just get started, as I have said, and if I don't take that advice it will be my own fault if I never write this.  It is still a bit unclear to me, really, and I am somewhat unsure of myself about even those aspects that I feel clearest about, but thinking on that, I can't help but wonder if that isn't all just me giving myself excuses for not getting started.

Poem: If you do not like that people know what you did

If you do not like that people know what you did maybe the problem is with you and your actions, and not with me for being honest about what happened.

A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-Three-Hundred-And-Seventy-Two

I have yet to start work on the new novel I am thinking of, but I think I have a decent sense of how to begin it already.  As I said last night, it is really just a matter of kicking myself into gear and I feel like that will happen.  I am working on it even now, if not yet in actual written format, and I think there is just one bit of the idea that I want to have some more clarity around before I will be truly comfortable committing to it fully.

Poem: I do not want to feel

I do not want to feel like I am the one who is failing and you are the one trying to make  it right, I know that is not true, it is only that you are fine with surfaces and I need what is beneath: you can pretend it is all perfect and blame me when it is no good. You think the parameters are yours to set, but that is no good. You must become a person who can care enough about others to do things that are not comfortable for you.

A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-Three-Hundred-And-Seventy-One

I can think of a few books that play in the kind of space I described last night in reference to the idea I am currently playing with.  The primary example is Calvino's If on A Winter's Night A Traveler , which I think does offer a good model for some of what I am imagining.  Calvino is playing a slightly different game then the one I am interested in, though I find it difficult to express the nuances of those distinctions right now.  I have a clear sense of things, I think, and I do want to begin work on this.  The thing that has me hesitating a bit is really the timing, as I am quite involved with the launch for Blaze without Burning at the moment and I want to keep focusing energy on that.  At the same time, I know that a novel doesn't wait around.  I think the solution will be to begin work on it and perhaps reduce some of my poetry and other writing.  I am not certain, to be honest, if that is going to even be necessary once I get started.  I...