A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-And-Forty-Eight
I would like to offer a bit more of an explanation about what I mean when I speak about context without content, as I explored last night. As I said, this not an easy thing to really convey, but it is about the idea of a relationship, a pattern. If one thinks about a pattern, it can often be made without regard for what is in the pattern. One can make stripes using many types of objects, and still they are seen as stripes. If I lay out paperclips from my desk in a pattern and you do the same with rubber bands, we will be able to see if our lines are in the same pattern, regardless of the supplies we each utilized. But, what if we could find a way to communicate the stripe with no object, without anything but the concept of the stripe, of the pattern. This may sound silly, but consider the idea of telling someone how to make the pattern, how it might be that you could describe the construction of the exact pattern, and you could have them do it with an...