I think of the poems that I write here, on this blog, as sort of like sketches. Very often, the ideas are ones that I have been playing around with, and I know that I am probably going to return to them again, even after I write something here. In some ways, that is true for most of the poetry I write, if I think about it, though I do have more of an intention to revise my other poems, which may be the most essential aspect of the difference I am describing here. These poems are just, as I said, sketches, with an ephemerality to their creation, and kind of tossed out as almost an exercise for practice. I bring the same degree of awareness and thought to it, in general, but I am not considering it as anything more than just a sketch, and I suppose that can't help but impact the work itself. I am not certain exactly how. I do think it imbues some of these poems with qualities of spontaneity, as well as a kind of rawness, I suppose, that results from that appr...