Poem: I know it was said
I know it was said
There was a conversation.
I was quite explicit
about what would not be alright,
about why I was hesitant.
I was quite explicit
about what would not be alright,
about why I was hesitant.
It was important. I was clear.
It was not easy for me
to be clear with you.
I do not find it easy
to tell you anything.
I should have been careful,
maybe, should have considered
that was a sign. I was eager, though,
or just afraid and desperate.
That is not important, though.
I want to know
you heard me and understood,
but what you said,
it was clear
you have made plans
that obligate me
in ways that I find
contradict our agreement.
I need those obligations
to not have been made.
It is not alright
for them to even exist.
I won't be able
to escape, now,
not without real harm,
but following this path
will destroy me.
I already feel destroyed
just knowing
what you have done,
the way it is now.
I am not certain
how to believe
you thought
this was helping.
It was not easy for me
to be clear with you.
I do not find it easy
to tell you anything.
I should have been careful,
maybe, should have considered
that was a sign. I was eager, though,
or just afraid and desperate.
That is not important, though.
I want to know
you heard me and understood,
but what you said,
it was clear
you have made plans
that obligate me
in ways that I find
contradict our agreement.
I need those obligations
to not have been made.
It is not alright
for them to even exist.
I won't be able
to escape, now,
not without real harm,
but following this path
will destroy me.
I already feel destroyed
just knowing
what you have done,
the way it is now.
I am not certain
how to believe
you thought
this was helping.
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