Poem: Now you say it is all different
Now you say it is all different
but it is too late for that,
is after the plans
cannot be altered,
after each choice was made.
I am prepared, am ready,
more, I am only prepared for this.
It is not possible to shift that.
It does not matter
that things have changed
and possibilities are gone,
that you were wrong, perhaps.
None of that is a help.
I am suffering, have been waiting
for things to begin. I am ready.
It is the thing I need. It matters:
I chose to make it what matters,
to commit myself to it.
I cannot undo that.
It is a truth of mine, now.
There is not another way.
I do not know
if you understand
what it means,
what you are telling me.
I do not think you realize
the danger of it
or the ways you are responsible.
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